Xoltron's Cool Website

Welcome to Xoltron's Website!

This is my cool website, yay.

This is, Mr. Wase

He uses Xoltron website in school, be like Pilowase.


* Actually working on the site again!!


Discord: xoltron64

Fun Games!

Just some links of games I imported, pretty much all of them are not mine.

xoltron.github.io/xoltcookie - HTML Port of Cookie Clicker.

xoltron.github.io/xoltmoira - HTML Port of Fullscreen Mario with Extras.

xoltron.github.io/xoltcookie2 - 2nd Webpage for cookie clicker cus why not?

xoltron.github.io/xoltdino/ - Did your admin disable the dino game on your chromebook? Well here's a html port of the dino game!

xoltron.github.io/xoltdoom1 - Doom built in da browser using crazy stuff like js-dos, I didn't make this but who ever did is awesome. Credits are on the site. I also put the full version so dont call the cops pls😎

xoltron.github.io/xolt-tetris - Tetris built into an HTML with music and sounds! Built by Larprad.

xoltron.github.io/xolt-civ-clicker - Fork of the open source game CivClicker, by David Holley and Scott A. Colcord

xoltron.github.io/xolt-run-3 - A fork of Run 3 ported into HTML so you can play it!

xoltron.github.io/xolt-fnf - Mid ass game now kinda

xoltron.github.io/xolt-banangfiles - An entire collection of HTML5 games, flash games emulated using ruffle, and a entire retroarch emulator created by BinBashBanana. Big kudos to him!

xoltron.github.io/xolt-swfgalaxy - Even more awesome gxmes! lololololololololooololooololol

xoltron.github.io/xolt-dino-enhanced/ - An enhanced version of the chrome dino game made by a cool dude called yell0wsuit.

xoltron.github.io/xolt-mario-paint/ - Martin painter

xoltron.github.io/xolt-emulatorjs/ - A multibase emulator i forked, you have to get roms by yourself for now.

whyisxoltrontaken.github.ioRip 3kh0 you will be missed

xoltron.github.io/xolt-webretro - A port of webretro for your browser.

Javascript/HTML Stuff

Some java script and html files I found intresting.

Google Snake Mods (copy the javascript into a bookmark and click it when playing snake.)

javascript: req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open('GET', 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DarkSnakeGang/GoogleSnakeCustomMenuStuff/main/custom.js'); req.onload = function() { eval(this.responseText + 'snake.more_menu();'); }; req.send();

Cookie Clicker Autoclicker (Just leave your mouse on the cookie and let the bookmark do the work.)

javascript:var autoclicker = setInterval(function(){ try { document.getElementById('bigCookie').click(); } catch (err) { clearInterval(); } }, 10);

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